Traverse City, MI – The weather is cooling in the Grand Traverse area, and fall is coming in quickly. Autumn is a beautiful time of year in Michigan as the colors start to come in. The shortening days and cooler weather bring another message for homeowners: time is running out to get roof repair or a roof replacement before winter.
Fall is a popular time of year for roof work: the cooler weather encourages homeowners to have their roofs inspected or serviced before the coming winter. This is especially true after experiencing the kind of storm that passed through Traverse City in August. The roofing, siding, and gutter damage was widespread, but what many people don’t realize is that even homes with no obvious damage might have been weakened by the severe weather.
Don’t wait for the stresses of severe winter weather to cause serious damage to your roof or home. Get a fall inspection to prepare for winter and to make sure your home will remain safe and secure through the winter ahead.
Check out our page on roof damage for some tips on roofing issues you might be able to identify yourself, and don’t hesitate to have your roof inspected by a qualified Traverse City roofing contractor.